Photo credits: ATISPAUS

[R&B Gem] Seori

We’re back with a new R&B Gem and we’re introducing the lovely Seori. If you’re looking to add some great vocals and great lyricism to your playlists, then keep on reading.


Seori debuted in 2020 with the EP ‘?depacse ohw’ with the label ATISPAUS. Originally, she started as a singer on YouTube uploading covers on her channel. 

This is her most popular video.

Her first EP is absolutely beautiful. The title track ‘Running Through The Night’ has an insane music video and the stunning storytelling is something that comes back throughout her discography. There was a novel that you could read on the website, but it seems like the link on their site isn’t working at the moment. 

For the single Triggerthe story is still online, so definitely check it out if you want to enjoy the lore. You can find that here.

In 2021 Seori started the year off with a bang with her single ‘Lovers in the night’. I was absolutely obsessed with this release, and I wasn’t the only one. Lots of people were very happy to see all the diversity in the music video. 

Giriboy collaborated with her for the single ‘The Long Night’.

She also has a song together with eaJ from DAY6.

For the incredible Marvel film ‘Shang-Chi’ she released the song ‘Warriors’ featuring Warren Hue. 


Then of course, I can’t forget to mention some incredible songs she has been featured on. 

There’s the track by Vinxen

She was featured on the insane 0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You)’ by TXT. 

Seori also had a feature on Giriboy’s most recent album ‘Avante‘.

The most recent track she was featured on was by Gemini.

That was it for this R&B Gem discovery. Seori is an incredibly talented artist, who has great vocals and beautiful lyricism. We hope to see a lot more in the upcoming years. 

You can find her on Spotify here

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.