Photo credit by Paktory Ent

Paktory Mixtape is out with OV’s ‘Blue Sky’

Primary’s company Paktory just released the latest Mixtape by their new artist OV with the single ‘Blue Sky’. 

The single ‘Blue Sky’ by OV, featuring Gaho and godok is a beautiful, moody track with some interesting instrumentation. The collab between OV, Gaho and godok is everything I didn’t realize I need in my life. 

OV is a new artist under Paktory and we wish him all the best in his future endeavours because we’ll be following his career path with interest. The first glimpse of his work with ‘Blue Sky’ definitely wet the appetite for more. 

Gaho is and probably always will be one of my favorite vocalists. Ever since ‘Stay’ I’ve been sold. 

Godok is a solo hip hop artist, a composer and lyricist. He’s worked on songs for iKON, Wanna One, EXO and even Baekhyun’s solo works. 

Listen to the single on Spotify here.

Go say hi to OV on Instagram.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.