Photo credits: MAJOR9

[Review] Bling Bling – CONTRAST

The girls from Bling Bling released their first mini-album ‘CONTRAST’. Let’s take a look!


We start off with the single ‘Oh MAMA’ which is their title track. This song is a total vibe! It’s catchy, has some really cool instrumentation and great vocals.

The music video is beautiful and has some stunning scenes. I really like how they gave each member their own time to shine.

The next track ‘MILKSHAKE’ turns down the pace a little. This pop track has fun synths and a tropical rhythm. It’s more Bubblegum pop style but still has enough lower parts to it with the rap verses. It’s cool! That chorus is a total earworm and shoudl directly go to your summer bop playlist.

Following that we have the two tracks ‘G.G.B’ and ‘LA LA LA’ that were released on their debut single album ‘G.G.B.’

Bling Bling did a really good job with their first mini-album ‘CONTRAST’. You can find the album on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.