Photo credits: SM Ent

[Review] TAEMIN – Advice

TAEMIN is back with his third mini-album ‘Advice’. This will be temporarily his last release as he is enlisting and will be sorely missed for two years. Let’s dive right in!


We start off with the title track ‘Advice’. This R&B track is beyond insane. We get Taemin with an almost rap-like style, going off with energy and power. The piano line is immaculate. What a solid, solid title track. 

The music video is intense and shows us a fantastic performance. The colors in the sets are very interesting and beautifully done. Also Taemin in a crop top showing off his tattoos is a mood.

‘Light’ follows that with a dark, sensual intro. This is the kind of track you completely lose yourself in at a dance club, five shots in. The groovy synth, mixed with that cool synth riff and Taemin’s vocals is awesome. I love the layering of this one. 

We follow that up with the only collab single ‘If I could tell you’. We get the powerhouse that is Taeyeon in this one. ‘If I could tell you’ is a dreamy soft R&B track. It sounds like they added a hand pan drum in the instrumentals, but that’s just a guess. They created an interesting back and forth with Taemin and Taeyeon’s vocals. It’s absolutely lovely.

Next up is the track ‘Strings’. It’s a dark R&B track with a very interesting instrumental. I was expecting more violins for some reason. The bass though, is so smooth. This entire song is just a major groove and I dig it.

We close off the album with ‘SAD KIDS’. This is a continuation of the track ‘2 KIDS’ from his album ‘Never Gonna Dance Again: Act 1’. It’s a mid-tempo pop song but for some reason it sounds a lot sadder and quite delicate. 


‘Advice’ by TAEMIN is another great mini-album he can add to his repertoire. It displays all of his strengths and gives us a lovely temporary goodbye. 

You can find it on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.