DisKover The Cover: Hyolyn – Who (LAUV)

This week’s cover is by the vocal Queen Hyolyn and her rendition of the song ‘Who’ originally sung by LAUV ft. BTS.

Let’s start off by saying that she can pull off any song. Hyolyn is a marvelous singer and her music as a soloist and even when she was part of SISTAR is legendary. She is an artist who is not afraid of breaking standards and trying out new things.

I loved this cover mainly because of the simplicity of it. Hyolyn is just sitting there, feeling the song and singing it beautifully and I loved that. There isn’t much happening in the video itself, just her looking stunning and delivering those lyrics flawlessly.

Make sure to listen and check out this cover below.

K-Beauty enthusiast, Drama Lover, Melophile and Foodie, writing about her faves on a daily basis.