Photo Credits: CJeS Studios


Rookie group WHIB is back with their second release ‘ETERNAL YOUTH: KICK IT‘. They debuted last November with the single album ‘Cut-Out’, let’s check what they have prepared for this comeback.

The title track ‘KICK IT‘ opens up this release with a rather soft concept, including EDM beats, synth, and cheerful singing. This song is cute and full of energy, and this only gets better with the music video and its strong colours, laid back style and cool dancing. Check it below.

Next up is the R&B single ‘IN THE MOOD‘ showing off WHIB’s power singing and great rhythmic rapping. The mixing in this track is great, the harmonies and back vocals are solid, and its build-up fun are very vibey. The last track in this singles album is the english version of the title track ‘KICK IT’.

You can listen to this release here.

K-Beauty enthusiast, Drama Lover, Melophile and Foodie, writing about her faves on a daily basis.