Photo credit: Very Cherry

CL wows in ‘Lover Like Me’

CL is back with the next pre-release single ‘Lover Like Me’ of her upcoming album. Fresh off her stint at the Met Gala, CL wows in her new music video.

‘Lover Like Me’ is a trippy R&B dance single. The vocals are great and the rap verse in the bridge is dope. However, one of the highlights is the trippy chorus. It’s interesting how they layered the chorus. I loved it.

The music video is chockfull of stunning visuals, awesome make-up looks and sets. Check it out below.

You can find ‘Lover Like Me’ by CL on Spotify here. If you’d like to read about the previous pre-release single, you can click here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.