Photo credits: MLD Ent

[Review] T1419 – BEFORE SUNRISE Part. 2

The boys from T1419 are back with their single album ‘BEFORE SUNRISE Part. 2’. This single album contains three songs.

The title track ‘EXIT’ talks about the hidden darkness in teenagers, as it isn’t all sunshine and daisies but also pain as well. The sound of the song is very catchy and overall has a great sound. I’m in love with the chorus they added to some parts. It makes is hella cool.

The second track is their pre-debut release ‘DRACULA’ which we wrote about here. The last single on the album is the instrumental track of ‘EXIT’.

You can find ‘BEFORE SUNRISE Part. 2’ by T1419 on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.