Photo credit by Forest Network

Seven O’clock releases ‘HIGHWAY’

The boy group Seven O’clock is back with their EP ‘Seven O’clock 5th Project Album [HIGHWAY]’. 

There are two new tracks on the EP, ‘Hey There’ and ‘Wassup’. The instrumental tracks of both are also there. 

The title track ‘Hey There’ is a summer song with beautiful vocals and a great rap section. The members look amazing, visuals left and right!

‘Wassup’, the second track is more hip hop driven. The focus is more on the rap this time and it kind of works. It’s a nice exploration into a new genre for Seven O’clock.

You can find ‘Seven O’clock 5th Project Album [HIGHWAY]’ by Seven O’clock on Spotify here.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.