Photo credit by KQ Ent

Dance Choreo: ATEEZ – Inception

We’re back with a new Dance Choreo You Should Watch, this time featuring the incredible boy group ATEEZ with their latest single ‘Inception’.

If you haven’t listened to ‘Inception’ yet, what are you doing? Go read about that mini-album here.

The choreo for ‘Inception’ is so, so smooth. I love the fall and the rise in the very beginning, I thought that was beautifully done. The amount of legwork in this is kind of crazy. Stamina Kings. Also, their poor knees. 

The point dance for the chorus is rather minimalist, but it requires so much body control. 

Go check out the choreo for ‘Inception’ by ATEEZ.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.