Photo credit by Antenna Music

Lee Jin Ah is back with ‘Dangerous Dream’

Extremely talented music fairy Lee Jin Ah is back with her new single ‘Dangerous Dream’. As always, her delivery of the piano is brilliant and her vocals are as soft as a feather pillow. 

However, the music video elevates the song even more. In ‘Dangerous Dream’ the storytelling is top notch. My interpretation is that she’s looking back and sort of acting as a guardian angel for her young self. She helps with the piano, she soothes when the frustration is real. 

In the lyrics Lee Jin Ah sings that her dream started off as just wanting to play the piano. However, her ego that craves recognition and fame is giving her troubles. 

It’s a beautiful song, go take a look:

I couldn’t find it on Spotify yet, but here’s her Artist Profile so keep an eye out. 

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.