Dance Choreo You Should Watch: TEN – Dream In A Dream

We’re ready for another Dance Choreo You Should Watch.

This time we’re featuring the choreo for Ten’s ‘Dream In A Dream’. 

First of all, this song is amazing and ethereal and the intro is just fantastic because it sets the mood so well. 

TEN is a member of NCT and now also SuperM, but he also has solo ventures. This one is completely his own. He’s so talented I’m having a hard time to know where to begin my praise. 

Let’s focus on his dance for now.

I find it incredible how hard this choreo goes. It is kind of a slow song, but it doesn’t mean that the dance is as well. The movements are sharp and you can see the amount of control he has over his body. I don’t want to know how many hours Ten and the background dancers were practicing this because my momma bear instincts are going to come out. 

TEN has this way of dancing that enthralls and together with the song that is mostly instrumental, it is spellbinding.

Go take a look!

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.