Photo credits: Sansa

[Indie Pick] sansa

We’re back with a new Indie Pick and this time we wanted to take a closer look at singer-songwriter Sansa.

Unfortunately she only has two singles out, but honestly, it’s definitely quality over quantity for this artist.

Her first debut single came out in 2022. The single ‘Floundering’ is beautiful and mesmerizing with a very strong art direction. I love this indie rock moment with really great vocals.

Her second single ‘I’ was released in August and is also the first single that really introduced me to her. Again, the art direction with the music video and full concept is absolutely stunning and had me absolutely shook when I first watched it.

Let’s hope she continues on releasing more amazing music!

You can find Sansa on Spotify here and on Instagram here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.