Photo credits: Omega Sapien

[Offstage] Omega Sapien

We’re back with a new Offstage and this time we’re sharing the work of Omega Sapien. For this feature we’ll be focusing on his composing and producing credits. If you’d like a deep dive into his own rap career, you can read our Rapper in the spotlight here

Apart from his own works, Omega Sapien has a couple of incredible works to his name. Of course there’s his work with Balming Tiger, the rap crew he’s part of. But he has also composed most of the tracks he’s been featured on. 

Here are a couple of which he has composing credits on.

Most recently he composed the hit single ‘SHALALA’ by Taeyong.

We’re very excited to see more of his composing and producing credits to come in the following years. 

Go check out his full discography on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.