We’re back with a new Offstage and this time we wanted to introduce stylist Lee Dongyun. Lee Dongyun is a stylist and founder of fashion brand HOMC which is an alternative streetstyle brand. She’s also the founder of WTFF which stands for Womens Team First Football Club. I first noticed her styling for the 2023 comeback ‘Watch it’ by The ...

We’re back with a new Offstage and this time we’re sharing the works done by production house Movers Club. It is really hard to find more information about the company apart from their Instagram and their works, so we’ll be sharing those. Take a look at some of their productions! You can find their YouTube channel here and their Instagram ...

We’re back with a new Offstage and this time we’re taking a closer look at Pure.D. Let’s check it out! Pure.D Pure.D is a YouTuber and influencer on Instagram. She’s a make-up artist and also focuses on special effects make-up. She has managed to create some absolutely stunning looks! She also has cute travel vlogs like the one below. One ...

For this week’s Offstage we wanted to write about Kim Sung Hyun. He’s partly responsible for some of our favorite groups, so let’s take a closer look! Kim Sung Hyun, also known as Nu Kim is a creative director who frequently teams up with HYBE. Before he became Nu Kim he was also an idol. You might recognize him from ...

In this edition of Offstage, we delve into the vibrant world of a company whose musical creations have become anthems for K-pop enthusiasts globally. If you’re a K-pop aficionado, chances are their iconic bops still grace your playlist. Let’s shine a spotlight on the creative powerhouse known as ARTiffect. Founded in 2019 by the versatile producer and singer-songwriter, Jake K, ...

We’re back with a new Offstage and this time we’re going back to a popular film location like the Gimcheon School Building or the Universal Arts Center. This time we’re visiting Airjoy Mall in Yeonjongdo. Let’s take a closer look! Airjoy Mall The Airjoy Mall is permanently closed and is located next to the Incheon International Airport. Because of its ...

We’re back with a new Offstage and this time we wanted to take a closer look at some of the work by EL CAPITXN. Even if the name doesn’t sound familiar you’ve undoubtedly listened to some of his work. Debut EL CAPITXN (or previously J. Pearl) also known as Jang Ji-Yeong started his career in the boygroup HISTORY. The group ...

We’re back with a new Offstage and this time we’re sharing the work of Omega Sapien. For this feature we’ll be focusing on his composing and producing credits. If you’d like a deep dive into his own rap career, you can read our Rapper in the spotlight here.  Apart from his own works, Omega Sapien has a couple of incredible ...

We’re back with a new Offstage and this time I really wanted to put some spotlight on music composer Jung Jae-il. You’ve undoubtedly heard some of his work because he has composed several box office hits and big Netflix productions. Let’s take a closer look! Jung Jae-il is a graduate of Seoul Jazz Academy. He was in several bands he ...

We’re back with a new Offstage and this time we wanted to share some of the work of the company Zanybros. Even if you don’t know their name, if you’ve seen a handful of music videos, chances are it’s likely one produced by them. Zanybros is a video production company that was founded by Hong Won-ki and Kim Jun-hong. They ...