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[Review] IMSEMO – So What?

I really enjoyed the title track of IMSEMO’s new mini-album ‘So What?’ so I decided to review the entire thing. Let’s dive in!

So What?

We start off with the track ‘No Umbrella’. We’re going for a fun rock moment. The addition of the piano and the tempo changes make this such a happy, quirky track. It’s catchy, delightful and IMSEMO’s vocals really are the cherry on top. This is such a great song!

Scallywag’ is the title track and what originally got me listening to the full mini. The message of this one is not to grow up too soon and stay childlike forever. It’s a funky rock song with honestly such a great guitar section in the bridge. It’s insane.

Next up is ‘Black Out’. We’re getting black out drunk to this one. I like the more laidback vibe and the really cool reggae tempo. It’s fun and honestly a really nice listen.

The closing track is ‘Round and Round’. This is a soft pop track with a really nice layering. The vocal layering is a really nice touch. The chorus is great to sing along to and is undoubtedly an earworm.

Overall ‘So What?’ by IMSEMO is absolutely delightful and a fantastic listen. I hope many more fans discover this artist.

Go listen to the mini-album on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.