Photo credit by STARROAD Ent

[Review] JBJ95 – JASMIN

The boys from JBJ95 are back with their fourth mini-album ‘JASMIN’. I’m expecting stellar vocals, so let’s dive in.


The opening track is ‘SHADUBIDU’. This is such a funky opener. The instrumentation plays with both rhythm and pauses. Kenta’s vocals go quite high and Sanggyun’s rap is exquisite.

Next up is the title track ‘JASMIN’ and we get some groove with this one. The bass is really cool and honestly, this song is a vibe. The catchy chorus is going to be a total earworm. I LOVE this one so much.

‘TELL ME’ is up next and brings some electro punk to the scene. The guitar is absolutely insane. The little autotune moment with Sanggyun’s rap was a really cool addition. This one is fun!

After that we get ‘SEOULITE’ and we’re going the city pop meets R&B direction. It’s such an interesting combo, I dig it. There are some fantastic ad-libs in there. Ugh, this is so smooth.

The last song on the mini is ‘ONLY ONE’. This is the closest to a ballad we’re getting for this release and it’s still quite upbeat. I love the little outro with the guitar, it feels like a very wholesome ending.

Go ahead and listen to the release on Spotify here

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.