Photo credits: sunkyoung

MV Rec: Sunkyoung – Night of sand

For this week’s music video recommendation I wanted to share ‘Night of Sand’ by Sunkyoung. This is such a special mv, like nothing I’ve seen before. 

‘Night of Sand’ is one of two singles released on the single album ‘Night of Sand, Day of Sand’. The two singles have a connecting storyline.

This was written in the album description: “’A person who was torn down by the waves at night is formed into a slightly different person at the beach during the day.”

The entire theme is rebirth and it is portrayed in such a wonderful Arthouse style. Everything from the angles, to the colour scheme, to the acting is done in such a magnificent way.

You can find ‘Night of sand’ by Sunkyoung on Spotify here.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.