Photo credits: FNC Ent

MV Rec: SF9 – Tear Drop

We’re back with a new Music Video Recommendation, this time about ‘Tear Drop’ by SF9.

This was their latest title track for the EP ‘TURN OVER’ which we wrote about here. That EP is still a vibe and this song is still something I listen to often. There’s just something so fun about the synths. 

The music video is super stylistic with the continuous shots. The mostly black and white colour scheme was beautiful and when the colours do come out, it makes an extra impact. The enclosed spaces make the members look like giants and it was very cool to watch.

Go ahead and watch ‘Tear Drop’ by SF9.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.