DisKovery with a K – EP 1 – Colde

We are so excited to share our first ever episode of DisKovery with a K. This was the original idea that grew and grew into the entire M.E.A.L. platform. So safe to say that this is our passion project. 

For EP1 we’re introducing the artist Colde. He’s a Korean singer, rapper and producer who we feel deserves to be put in the spotlight. 

We hope you enjoy the video. If you do please like and subscribe to our YouTube channel or our podcast. We have it in two different media formats, because we thought that some might prefer to listen to a podcast whilst commuting, while others might enjoy watching a video more.

Link to the Video/Podcast:

You can find all of the platforms that the podcast is published here:

Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Pocket Casts

Find us as DisKovery with a K.