credit by dreamcatcher company

Dance Choreo You Should Watch: Dreamcatcher – Red Sun

Join me in hyping this clip of the girls of Dreamcatcher dancing to their song ‘Red Sun’. SuA, one of the members made the choreography herself. TALENT y’all.

First of all, that entire album was amazing!! Check out our review here

This choreo is everything I wanted for ‘Red Sun’ and more. The girls blend together super well and all of their moves are sharp and on point. Every snap of the finger is perfectly timed. The entire thing is just so smooth! I was captivated throughout the whole video because of their stage presence. 

I’m also a little bit in love with the styling for this video. The goth really came out and I dig it.

Please watch the clip entirely because there’s some bloopers at the end that are just so adorable. 

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.