Photo credit by MUN HWA IN


Youra is back to bless us with her new EP ‘GAUSSIAN’. It’s been since 2019 that she released a mini-album so I’m stoked. 


We start off with the first of two title tracks; ‘MIMI’. The music video is literally all over the place. Feel free to leave your theories in the comments. The single itself is absolutely lovely with its bass and guitar and synth mixture. Youra’s vocals are fabulous and plays with the guitar line. The track was written by Youra and co-composed by Cosmic Boy.

‘PINK!’ is up next. This sounds a lot darker because of the heavy bass and the dirty guitar riff that sounds utterly delectable. It turns super groovy in the chorus and I am in love with the progression. This might just be my favorite song of the album.

Next up

The following track is ‘ZEBRA’. The synth they used makes it feel a bit like satire though I can’t be sure that was the intention. I do have to say this is catchy as hell. I’m intrigued and I kind of want to see a live version of this. 

Track number four is ‘AIRPLANE MODE’. I dig the soundscape they created with the synths and EDM influences. The pace feels a bit unforgiving but they keep dialing it up and down. It’s such an interesting listen and manages to keep your attention firmly for the entire thing without feeling exhausting. 

‘BYE BYE’ feels like such a groove from the opening second. The ambience of the song feels a bit otherworldly, especially with that little high pitched synth sound in the background. Her laugh at the end feels a bit like it’s gonna haunt my nightmares, but that’s a different story all together. 

The last track on ‘GAUSSIAN’ by Youra is her pre-release ‘RAL 9002’ featuring Heize. We wrote about that single here

I have to say this EP went above and beyond my expectations. It’s such an interesting work with such well implemented guitar and synths. Her vocals elevate the songs as usual, but it’s absolutely fabulous. This is going to be on repeat for a while.

 You can find ‘GAUSSIAN’ on Spotify here

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.