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Top 3

We’re back with a new Top 3 and for this week we’re going a little bit more indie this time, though we’re jumping across genres with electronic, acoustic and hip hop. 

Number 1: YOURA – MIMI

Youra recently released her new EP, we wrote about that here. Her song ‘MIMI’ is still such a bop and I can’t get enough of it.

Number 2: Wonstein – Infrared Camera

This song is a bop and I bless the Spotify algorithm for showing it to me.

Number 3: HYEAH – When it snows

Soft, soft vocals with a guitar line and some drums. Sometimes that’s literally all you need.

That’s it for this week’s Top 3. Go ahead and check out our playlist on Spotify. 

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.