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Weekly K-Indie Report

We’re back with our Weekly K-Indie Report. Let’s take a closer look at which new releases our favorite indie artists released.


Audiosfrom released ‘Santa Monica’ featuring Hannah Jang.

Find it here.

Fromm came back with the single album ‘Breeze I come across’.

Find it here


NECTA is back with ‘No Sleep’.

Find it here.

Hyung released the full album ‘What’s done is done’.

Find it here.

Persie came out with ‘Fall’.

Find it here


Luca Minor came out with the wonderfully jazzy single ‘A rainy day in Paris’.

Find it here.

Woo Sujin released ‘Hate you’.

Find it here.

Ahn Seung Joon dropped ‘The song that we loved’.

Find it here.

Zitten is back with ‘Fall’.

Find it here.


SeJunn released the new single ‘Always’.

Find it here.

Gwak Tae Poong came out with ‘Yeontral Park’.

Find it here.

For_the_poet released ‘Film’.

Find it here.

Jade released ‘The lovers’.

Find it here.

Ji Jinseok came out with ‘Bye, My Love’.

Find it here


Polyp is back with the single ‘Fried Calamari’.

Find it here.

SOOP released the single ‘Let’s get down’.

Find it here.

Yooshin came out with ‘A Falling Evening’.

Find it here.


Vinnth dropped the single ‘Nothing happened’.

Find it here.

Pylat collaborated with rapper SLEEQ for the single ‘Nightmare’.

Find it here.

HENSHE released ‘Love Letter’.

Find it here.

MONA came out with ‘This is not a love song’.

Find it here.


Cosmos Hippie came out with ‘Safe Person’.

Find it here.

En Sokum released ‘Cristal Love’.

Find it here.

That’s it for this Weekly K-Indie Report. You can find our Spotify playlist for the month of November here. This will be updated weekly. 

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.