Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report, we had amazing releases and incredible comebacks this week. Many fans’ favourites came back and they totally delivered. Let’s dive in!
VIN released the EP ‘DIVE’.
Find this release here.
Picturemegreen released the single ‘fish type’.
Check it here.
Kim Seheon dropped the single ‘Cause I Got Nothing’.
Listen to this single here.
BANGJA dropped the single ‘MOONWALK’ featuring YANGHONGWON.
Find it here.
YDG dropped the single ‘It’s okay’ featuring Dbo, lil asian and Slaylonie.
Check this release here.
Homezone released the single ‘Winded’.
Find this single here.
Views in i dropped the single ‘Foolish dream’.
Check this single here.
Slvckx and DJ Tiz teamed up for the EP ‘Tee bag’.
Find it here.
Nochexintima released the EP ‘Moonsin’.
Listen to this EP here.
TEAM NY came back with ‘BIG WALK’.
Check it here.
KURO released the single ‘You are my sunshine’ featuring Ji Chanel.
Find it here.
Ourealgoat dropped the single ‘Me Again’.
Check it here.
SOLE came back with the EP ‘A Love Supreme’.
Listen to this release here.
LØGIN released the single ‘TAKE IT BACK’.
Listen to this single.
lil sunder11 came back with the single ‘Late at night’.
Check it here.
The Hills dropped the single ‘Noise’.
Find it here.
greentea released the EP ‘At the end of this regret there is a greater love’.
Listen to this release here.
IndEgo Aid dropped the album ‘EEP : EARTH EVERLASTING POETRY’.
Find it here.
Yuja released the single ‘Keep Going’.
Check it here.
Goyo released the single ‘Story’ featuring siso.
Find it here.
Osshun Gum released the single ‘Another day’.
Listen to it here.
Gyubin dropped the single ‘Scribble’ featuring Wonstein’.
Check this release here.
Chan came back with the single ‘Mafia’.
Find it here.
BIG Naughty came back with the single ‘Vancouver 2’.
Listen to this single here.
BebaeK came back with the single album ‘ALONE’.
Find it here.
Mix.audio and Junoflo teamed up for ‘Cool Like That’.
Check it here.
Docskim released the song ‘SKunK!’.
Listen to this single here.
JJANGYOU, husky shibaseji and JJANGYOU Shibaseki teamed up for the single album ‘Untitled’.
Listen to this release here.
EPTEND came back with the mini-album ‘Night Ride 2 Prequel’.
Listen to this release here.
Summer Soul came back with the single album ‘Dear.R’.
Check it here.
Malitabu released the single ‘369’ featuring CRUCiAL STAR.
Find it here.
Baeksik dropped the single ‘Piano’.
Check it here.
INO and 4RANG teamed up for the single ‘LEAGUE’.
Find it here.
Skyminhyuk released the single album ‘LIBERATIO 0’.
Listen to this release here.
R&B single heyden released the single ‘This Song is about you’.
Check this single here.
An Shinae released the single album ‘Respect’.
This single is not available on spotify yet, but find her profile here.
Balming Tiger came back with ‘Kamehameha’.
Find it here.
Hoody came back with the album ‘Sailing’.
Listen to this release here.
WHALEO released the single ‘KOREAN PAIN’.
Listen to this single here.
Brick dropped the single ‘Fragrance’.
Find it here.
CRUCiAL STAR, Wynn, DNEIRF and Sasha teamed up for the album ‘Good Night, Starry Night’.
This release is not available on Spotfy yet.
GEMINI came back with the EP ‘Love Sick’.
Listen to this release here.
Urban Fisher released the single album ‘I Knew’.
Check this release here.
BeWhy came back with the single ‘Holy Toast’.
Listen to this release here.
That’s a wrap for this week, check our favourite releases in our Spotify playlist.
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