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Top 3 Songs Of The Week

We’re back with a new Top 3 to brighten up your day! This time featuring music by some amazing artists, though quick warning the genre is all over the place. We’re going from R&B to rock to pop. I love it.

Number 1: Katie – ECHO

Katie released her latest single ‘Echo’ and I’m 100% here for the vocals, the lyrics, the music video. Sometimes everything lines up so perfectly it’s brilliant.

Number 2: Purple Rain – The King Must Die

Purple Rain is one of the bands formed in the show SuperBand (which was amazing btw) and this rock song is AMAZING. 

Number 3: Apink – Yummy

Apink’s latest comeback EP was stunning. I chose their song ‘Yummy’ instead of their title track ‘Dumhdurum’ because it needs some lovin’ as well.

That was it for my top 3 of the week. I hope you found some new gems to enjoy. I know that I’ll be bopping to these for a loooong time. 

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.