Today’s movie recommendation is a bit of a hidden gem, titled ‘I’m a Cyborg, but that’s OK’. It’s directed by Park Chan Wook, starring Rain and Im Soo Jung. Before I ever knew who Rain was or what K-pop sounded like, I happened upon the phenomenal masterpiece that is ‘Oldboy’ during a search for Monte Christo-esque tales of vengeance. This ...

There are no grand gestures or big moments. It’s more of a collection of small, honest, true moments that pack a heavier punch. ...

I like the fact that Mi-Soo has a lot of ‘chutzpah’, she has guts and even though often she crosses the line with ridiculousness, it’s something to admire her for. ...

The amount of Korean food that is prepared by the main character is enough to fill a restaurant. ...