Photo credits: D1CE Entertainment

[Review] Woo Jinyoung – [3-2=A]

Woo Jinyoung, the main rapper from the boy group D1CE, released his solo debut EP ‘[3-2=A]’. He was also the winner of the survival program ‘MIXNINE’. So we’re in for some talent. Let’s dive in!


We start off with the track ‘Rrrr’. This track very much feels like a ‘yes I’m here and ready to conquer’ track. I dig it. 

‘Happy Birthday’ follows that. This title track is so, so cool. The instrumentals go hard and it’s a guaranteed ear worm. Jinyoung’s rapping is really good and it’s straight up fire. 

That first outfit with the sunglasses is god tier.

Next up is ‘Room’ with a more trap hip-hop vibe. Though there are some rock influences as well. It’s an interesting mix and feels very honest and raw. 

‘Lock’ is a continuation of the previous track. According to the album description; “it is a song that metaphorically unravels the state of being unable to get out of the ‘room’ that you entered earlier, both physically and mentally.”

Following that we get ‘Early Evening’. I really enjoyed this more laidback track. The guitar is a really lovely addition and it’s kind of groovy. We also get some of Jinyoung’s singing. The little voice effects are really cute.

The last track on the song is ‘Good Night’ featuring Nu;face who’s often credited on D1CE’s releases. It’s groovy and more Latin inspired. The instrumentals are really fun and the feature is fab as well. 

‘[3-2=A]’ by Woo Jinyoung is a really cohesive solo debut EP. It’s great to see him have writing credits on each track. 

Go ahead and listen to the EP on Spotify here.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.