Photo credits: Starship Ent


The girls from WJSN are back with their new mini-album ‘UNNATURAL’. This time they’re going for a more mature sound than their previous comebacks. This EP works as the transition period between the growth from girl to woman. Two of the members, Exy and Seola have writing credits on multiple tracks.


The opening track is also the title track with the same name as the EP; ‘UNNATURAL’. This song is such a bop. The pre-chorus is everything! I kind of wish they had added more of the pre-chorus bass to the rest of the song. 

‘Last Dance’ follows that with some groovy instrumentation. The rap section had me pause for a second, I loved it. The bridge was dope and I’d love to see the choreography for this one.  

Next up is the track ‘SUPER MOON’. This track is all about wanting to become a super moon and grant your own wishes. I like the metaphor a lot. The instrumentation in some parts had me shook, but overall this is a fabulous, catchy track. 

‘New Me’ follows that with retro synths and a touch of funky R&B. This is such a smooth song. The bass in this is awesome! The vocals are fabulous and we even get some interesting harmonic layering. That little outro was dope.

After that we get the track ‘YALLA’. Can I just say, DAMN that EDM. This is a hella dope electronic track with some fun samples. I love the dichotomy between the higher vocals and the lower register of Exy. This is fun y’all.

The last track on the EP is ‘REWIND’. It’s the ballad we were waiting for. We get some sweeping strings and piano with absolutely stunning vocals. I’d love to hear this live for the full effect of it. This was beautiful. 

‘UNNATURAL’ by WJSN is a really cool EP that shows off their skills and growth to a more mature image. You can find the album on Spotify here.

If you want to read our review for WJSN’s last comeback, you can click here.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.