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K-pop Releases This Week

We’ve got an exciting week ahead of us, so let’s check out all the K-pop releases that are coming this week. 


IZ*ONE is dropping their first full album.


Dreamcatcher is releasing their first full album as well. It’s called ‘Dystopia: The Tree Of Language’ and I am stoked!!

The girl group HighSchool is coming out with a new mini album. 


Weki Meki is dropping a digital single.

BURSTERS, the Korean rock band is releasing one of the singles from their new album that will be released in a couple of weeks. 


My babies from BTS are (finally) dropping the new album. I’m not making any plans for the weekend because I’ll be busy having an intense fangirl moment or a mental breakdown, possibly both. 


New boy group UNVS will be releasing their debut single. You can find their Twitter profile here.

DongHae from Super Junior worked together with rapper BewhY for the single ‘Harmony’. That’s a collab I did not see coming, but I’m like really intrigued. 

That’s it for K-pop releases and comebacks for this week. If I missed anything, drop it in the comments. Enjoy all the releases you guys!

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.