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Weekly Hip-Hop/R&B report

Indie Hip-Hop and R&B took over most of this week, and we got plenty of music recommendations for you. Get ready to discover new artist and check out the latest releases of your favourite artists. Let’s start.


Chillim released the single ‘Caffeine’ featuring Yuja.

Check it here.

Jun Kurbee and Whistle released the single ‘Glue’.  

Listen to this release here.

090 (Gong Gu Gong) released the single ‘Eclipse’.

Find this release here.

Tamiz and HIRO released the single album ‘DOWNY’.

Listen to this release here.

Futuristic Swaver released the single album ‘FUN!!!’.

Check it here.

Ourealgoat released the album ‘EVERY SECOND, NO REST’.

Listen to this release here


Dine On dropped the single ‘Every Single Day’ featuring ‘Odett’.

Find this release here.

Sweet The Kid released the single ‘Never get enough’.

Listen to this release here.

OPO dropped the single ‘NIGHT TIME LOVER’.

Find it here.

BB dropped the single ‘How you doin’.

Check this release here.

Junoflo released the single ‘HUNNUED%’.

Listen to this single here.

Kim Mi Jeong came back with the single ‘Sagittarius’.

Find it here.

PENTO released the single ‘Simple’.

Check it here.

THAMA came back with the single album ‘Complicated Needles’.

Listen to this release here.

10CM and BIG Naughty teamed up for the single ‘Just 10 centimeters’.

Find it here.


More dropped the EP ‘rainydayinseoul’.

Listen to this release here.

Baehyuni released the single ‘topic’.

Find it here.

CHANGJO dropped the single ‘DANGER’.

Check this release here.

SEIN released the single ‘Silhoutte’ featuring Boi B, Gist and Huh.

Listen to this single here.

Lofibaby released the single ‘Film : ME (2017)’.

This single is not available on Spotify yet.

marldn dropped the EP ‘Boneless’. 

Listen to this release here.

Roh Yun Ha and CHERRY BOY 12 teamed up for the EP ‘EarthQuake’.

Find it here


ONiLL dropped the single ‘Walk Talk’.

For more music check his Spotify profile.

WOLFKOOKY released the single album ‘KOOKIN’.

Check this release here.

Konsole came back with the EP ‘aura’.

Listen to this release here.


404 released the single ‘FOREVER’ featuring Band Westwood.

Find this single here.

IFI dropped the album ‘CALENDAR’.

Check it here.

TAEWOO came back with the single ‘Mayday’.

Listen to this single here.

Effie released the single album ‘날이좋아서’.

Check it here.

Zion teamed up with Beat Someone for the single ‘HYDE’.

Find it here.

Yammo released the single ‘Gotta Go’ featuring Effie.

Listen to this release here.

HOJN dropped the single ‘Ballin’ featuring Park Hyun-jin and Yung Chens. 

This single is not available on Spotify yet.

Gari released the single ‘KKONDAE’ featuring Mxxg. 

Find it here.

AUSTN came back with the single ‘SAND CASTLE’ featuring Dori Lee. 

Check this single here.

TEAM NY dropped the single ‘OUTSIDE’.

Listen to this release here.

NSW Yoon released the single ‘LET ME SEE’ featuring Kang Min Song.

Find this release here.

Grizzly released the single ‘LALALA’ featuring YOUHA.

Check this release here.

Hyuk released the single ‘Stay For Me’ featuring Seo In Guk.

Find this single here

MUSHVENOM dropped the single ‘SPACE MUSHIP’.

Check this release here.

BE’O came back with the EP ‘FIVE SENSES’.

Listen to this release here.


Neulbo released the album ‘Ready or not’.

Listen to this release here.

4&4 released the EP ‘Miss you’.

Find it here.

VAITEI released the EP ‘양날의 검’.

For more music check his Spotify profile.

Potty Monkey dropped the single ‘No Reason’.

Check this release here.

CHOILB released the single ‘eMpTy’.

Listen to this single here.

YULEUM dropped the EP ‘100% Rage’.

For more music check his Spotify profile. 

Royal 44 released the EP ‘Beautiful Street’.

This release is not on Spotify yet.

That a wrap for this week and September, make sure to head over to our Spotify to listen to our favourites releases of the month.

K-Beauty enthusiast, Drama Lover, Melophile and Foodie, writing about her faves on a daily basis.