Our weekly Hip-Hop and R&B report is back with a new week. Get ready to dive into interesting comebacks and indie releases ready to be discovered and listened to. Saturday ChillYoungO released the single album ‘Mess’. Find it here. Jayroh dropped the single ‘Slow In Fast Out’. Check it here. Oftn released the single ‘Summer In Paris’ featuring Sonny ZEro. ...

For this week’s Hip-Hop and R&B report indie artist and newcomers took the spotlight, with some unique tunes and a lot of style. Let’s dive in. Saturday HUSKI released the single ‘Crispy’. Listen to this release here.  R&B singer Lil FISH released the single ‘Heeom’. Find this single here. NOAH1LUV dropped the single ‘Surprize Show’ featuring Koonta and Dowoo. Check ...

Indie Hip-Hop and R&B took over most of this week, and we got plenty of music recommendations for you. Get ready to discover new artist and check out the latest releases of your favourite artists. Let’s start. Saturday Chillim released the single ‘Caffeine’ featuring Yuja. Check it here. Jun Kurbee and Whistle released the single ‘Glue’.   Listen to this release ...

Welcome back to a new Hip-Hop and R&B report. This was the last week of June, and the month ended with awesome comebacks and unexpected collabs. Get ready to add new music into your playlist. Let’s start. Saturday PINWHEEL released the EP ‘Distrust’. Find this release here. Halsoon released the single ‘OUR LOVE’. Check it here. KIRAVI dropped the single ...

Welcome to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report, get ready for the latest music drops and awesome tunes. Let’s start. Saturday R&B singer Unchan released the single ‘Diary’. Listen to this single here. V.et dropped the EP ‘THE END OF LOVE’. Find it here. SOB3R released the single ‘BUT!’ featuring JAEHA and Effie. Check it out here. ...

We are back with a new Hip-Hop and R&B report. Get ready to add some cool music finds to your playlist! Let’s start. Saturday Terry dropped the EP ‘DAWN:OFF’. Listen to this release here. Chuflex released the single ‘Holidays in Paris’ featuring Uzuhan.  Check this single here. Gist came back with the single ‘Lens’ featuring jerd.  Listen to this release ...

We are back with a new list of new releases. Sit tight and get ready for great music. Saturday GoLP released the single ‘Thinking about you’. Find this single here. Q the Trumpet dropped the EP ‘Christmas Postcard’. Find this single here. Cory jan and Kurt Simpson teamed up for the album ‘Valve’. Listen to this album here. Moon Ji ...

We had a week full of indie releases. Get ready to discover new artists and a lot of gems! Let’s start! Saturday MONGWOONG released the EP ‘BY YOUR SIDE’. Listen to this EP here. Wolfie dropped the single ‘Moments of choice’. Find this single here. Terry released the single ‘Call to you’. Check this single here. bluewoods released the single ...

We are back with this week’s releases. Get ready for some impressive tunes. Let’s start! Saturday MOSS OMEN released the single ‘MS. AMPUTEE’. Find this release here. SEER dropped the single ‘GRAVITY’. Listen to this single here.   IOHBOY released the single ‘Hate you’ featuring YoungKash. Check this release here.  1NHA and Churry released the single ‘Good Life’. Find it here. ...

This week we had some great comeback and a lot of Indie Hip-Hop. Let’s check the releases. Saturday KDNA dropped the single ‘I like you’. Find this release here.    JEMMA and MOND released the EP ‘CHUCK’. Listen to this release here.    Lee Jung Hyun released the single album ‘City Life’. Check this single here.    1등 래퍼 released ...