Photo credits: IST Ent

[Review] Apink CHOBOM – Copycat

The sub-unit CHOBOM of Apink released their first single album ‘Copycat’. This is their debut and consists of the members Chorong and Bomi.

Let’s take a closer look!

The single album consists of three singles; ‘Copycat’, ‘Oscar’ and ‘Feel something’.

Copycat‘ is the title track. This is a fun Dance Pop track that is catchy, has great vocals and is a total ear worm. Good luck trying to get rid of the chorus in your head.

The music video is next level and I cannot get over the styling and the make-up looks! Honestly 10/10! Also get ready for the fun and creepy plot twist at the end!

Next up is the single ‘Oscar’. I love the twist on the vocals in this one. It’s also a Dance Pop number, but it feels a bit darker in the instrumentals. There’s more tension and a funky bassline in the backing track. The song is about a man who lies and a woman who pretends to believe his lies. It’s an intriguing concept! I dig it. The little outro makes it spooky.

‘Feel something’ is the closing track. This one is a bit softer, with a mid-tempo pop vibe. There are beautiful harmonies and there’s a very warm feeling to it.

Overall ‘Copycat’ by Apink CHOBOM is a really cool debut single album. I’m sure that many listeners will enjoy the fresh beats and fun concepts.

Go ahead and listen to it on Spotify here.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.