Yujeong and Soyeon from LABOUM

[K-Cover] Kobasolo ft. LABOUM – First Love

We’re back with another K-Cover, and this time we’re listening to Utada Hikaru’s ‘First Love’. The cover is by Japanese indie musician Kobasolo, with Yujeong and Soyeon from LABOUM in the vocals. 

‘First Love’ was the titular song of Utada Hikaru’s debut album, and while to me it feels like yesterday that I first heard this song, it actually came out in 1999  –if you’re wondering, yes, I am feeling pretty old right now. Utada is a HUGE J-pop star. You might have caught some of her songs in the soundtracks for the Kingdom hearts game series, or in the Evangelion movies’ OSTs.

Kobasolo is an independent Japanese musician and producer who does a lot of acoustic covers as well as originals with various vocalists. If you enjoy this cover, you can follow him on Instagram or Youtube.

First love is a sweet and nostalgic song, which is what made it so popular in the first place. It makes you remember that innocence and the pain of your first love; I was honestly really excited to hear this cover. Yujeong and Soyeon’s amazing vocals fit perfectly with this song, and they really do it justice. Bonus points for the excellent Japanese pronunciation!

Enough from me though, enjoy the song: 

Avid manga fan, language nerd, RPG-gamer and coffee addict, I accidentally wandered into K-pop fandom in 2009 and stuck around to share the love ^_^