Photo Credits: AOMG / H1GHR Music

Weekly Hip-Hop/R&B report

Welcome back to a new Hip-Hop and R&B report. 2022 started with big news and fantastic music. Let’s start off.


H.O.B and Baeksik released the single album ‘Toy’.

Find it here.

Jay Park dropped the single ‘To Life’.

Listen to this release here


Slogun, Choi Lee-Kyun and Bray dropped the single ‘Ziral’.

Check it out here

Coker released the single ‘The joy of acts’ featuring Mingginyu.

Find it here.

P!nUp dropped the single ‘Unbelievable’ featuring Dante. 

Listen to it here.


R&B singer Unchan released the single ‘A Fish Out Of Water’.

Listen to this release here.

MarginChoi and Chaboom dropped the single ‘No.5’. 

Find it here.

UD released the EP ‘ALONE’.

Listen to this release here.


Dawn Dox dropped the EP ‘Fairy Tales For Grown-Ups’.

Listen to this release here.

Woo released the single ‘Uniform’ featuring pH-1. 

Check this release here.


Sejin released the single album ‘Home, Moonlight’.

This single is not available on Spotify yet.

47 dropped the single album ‘27’.

Find this released here.

Inho Cho released the single ‘YEAH YEAH’.

Find it here.

Uzuhan dropped the single ‘Christmas Machine’.

Listen to this release here.

SIM2 released the EP ‘Variety’.

Check out this release here.

WR released the single ‘fragance’ featuring RIPLEY and Seungoh.

Listen to this single here.

Son Chamchi dropped the single ‘Hypnobatia’.

Find this single here.


Lil Law dropped the EP ‘DNCINGHUMN’.

Listen to this release here.

GEMINI released the single ‘mon amour’.

Check this release here.

Taeb2 dropped the single album ‘Behind Parallelism’.

Listen to this release here.

Anwar released the EP ‘GRAFFITI’.

Check it out here.


Jung Dong-wook released the EP ‘30’.

Listen to this release here.

DJ Sparrow dropped the EP ‘Coffee’ featuring Rakon and Lim Haeum.

This single is not available on Spotify. 

Layone and Lee Young Ji teamed up for the single album ‘Flower Language’.

Check this release here.

Greenbeige released the single album ‘Emot’.

Listen to this release here

That was it for this week, remember to head out to our Spotify for our curated music playlist.

K-Beauty enthusiast, Drama Lover, Melophile and Foodie, writing about her faves on a daily basis.