Welcome back to a new week in our weekly hip-Hop and R&B report, get read for great comeback, indie gems and smooth music for your playlist. Let’s start! Saturday Tomnerd came back with the single ‘Cleaning’. Check it here. Lim Erin released the single ‘A Night sky’ featuring Sejin. Listen to it here. Outsider dropped the single ‘from Zero’ featuring ...

We are back with another edition of our Hip-Hop and R&B report. In this edition you will find a lot of indie music waiting to be discovered. Let’s dive in! Saturday Seoseo released the single ‘LALALA’. Find it here. SOOIN dropped the single ‘I’m afraid’. Check it here.  FUZZILY released the single ‘Best Friend’. Listen to this single here. Minzuki ...

Many artist got together this week for some cool collabs, get ready for indie music, alternative beats, and a lot of style. Let’s begin. Saturday Greengrim and LT dropped the single album ‘demo tape’. Find it here. BOUN released the single ‘Let’s Drive’ featuring DAVII. Check it here.  LeehyunNim released the single ‘I_’. Listen to this release here. Thunder dropped ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report, we had a rather busy week with awesome release and big comebacks. Let’s dive right in, there is plenty of music to talk about. Saturday HEUN  released the single ‘911’. Listen to this single here. Nihil released the album ‘Rainbow’. Find this album here.   Young Jay released the ...

We are back with our weekly report. This weeks there were a lot of indie releases, get ready for plenty of R&B and alternative hip-hop. Saturday LEY released the single ‘MAGNOLIA’. Check this release here.  SMOB dropped the single ‘Zombie’ featuring Uranus. Find it here. Owell Mood released the sing;e ‘is’. Listen to this single here. Jiselle came back with ...

We are back with a new Hip-Hop and R&B report. The releases this week were packed with surprises and incredible collabs. Get ready to add plenty of new songs to your playlist, let’s start. Saturday Doha, Beaver and Super Villain released the single ‘Jet Ski’. Find it here. OWLER and SIM2 teamed up for the album ‘Achromatic’. Listen to this ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. Get ready for the latest tunes released. Saturday Aalia released the single ‘My Summer Night’ featuring oceanfromtheblue. For more music check her Spotify profile. Jang Woo Hyuk released the single ‘ECHO’. Check it here. YUMDDA came back with the single ‘Lonely’. Listen to this release here. CODE KUNST, ...

Get ready for awesome Hip-Hop and R&B tunes in this week’s report. We had some big names coming back and the usual indie finds. Let’s get this started. Saturday Cyd released the single album ‘AFTER summer’. Find it here. Swimgood and Clavita teamed up for the single album ‘We swim!’. Check this release here.  NEWTOWN BANGERS dropped the single ‘3R ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This time we had plenty of indie releases and amazing new discoveries. Let’s dive in and check them out! Saturday Beaver released the single album ‘Protective instinct’. Listen to this release here. Sushiwishfish dropped the single album ‘GO GET’EM TIGER’. Find it here.  g1nger released the single ‘You ...

We are back with a new Hip-Hop and R&B report. Get ready for smooth drop and awesome collabs. Let’s start. Saturday BFEX released the album ‘FEXWAY 1’. Listen to this release here. kyuu released the single ‘CYAN GLOW’. Check it here. ALT released the single ‘Alt Coin’. Find it here. Chanhyun released the single ‘But’ featuring Dive. Listen to this ...