We are back with a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week was taken over by indie artist, and impressive comeback we were all waiting for. Let’s get right into it.
Bryn came back with the single ‘So What’.
Find this single here.
Whvts teamed up with h3hyeon for the single ‘Wait A Minute!’.
Check this release here.
oftn released the single ‘Dreaming of You’ featuring Sonny Zero.
Find it here.
IRI debuted with the single album ‘OUTRO’.
Listen to this release here.
ZELO dropped the single ‘Possessed’.
Check it here.
DEEPFLOW and JJK released the EP ‘Occam’s Razor’.
Find this release here.
GIRIBOY came back with the single ‘Part-time Job’
Listen to this single here.
Minbroskii released the EP ‘Drip Too Soft’.
Find it here.
R&B single ovrthemoon debuted with the album ‘ovrthemoon’.
Check this release here.
The crew Offshore joined forces for the EP ‘Scene #4’.
Listen to this release here.
KURO dropped the single ‘love on cruise’ featuring CRUCiAL STAR’.
Find this single here.
REDDY released the single ‘HIPPEH’ featuring Mirani.
Check it here.
Gwanjil Jo came back with the single ‘Reminiscence’.
Listen to this single here.
ONiLL released the single ‘Way Back’.
Check it here.
LONELEE released the single ‘SHOWINDOW’.
Listen to this single here.
Band Westwood dropped the single ‘DAZA’.
Find it here.
Hartts released the EP ‘archive’.
Check this release here.
HEO DANIEL dropped the single album ‘Daisy Girl’.
Check it here.
Minit came back with the single album ‘Be My star’.
Listen to this release here.
LOCO came back with the album ‘WEAK’.
DJ MAD released the single ‘Who Is Him’ featuring Eli The Menace.
Find it here.
Mix.audio and Khundo Panda teamed up for the single ‘Mania High’.
Check it here.
YUNNUGU released the single ‘Oxygen’.
Find it here.
015B came back with the single ‘New Edition 55’.
Listen to this single here.
JAEHA released the single ‘SOULMATE’.
Listen to this release here.
O’Domar released the album ‘Propaganda X’.
Find it here.
Hong Dabin (previously known as DPR LIVE) released the single ‘Till I Live’.
Listen to this single here.
Ralph released the EP ‘Exchange’.
Check it here.
AQUINAS released the single ‘ Left in the memory’.
Find it here.
Balming Tiger came back with the album ‘January Never Dies’.
Listen to this release here.
DINDIN came back with the single ‘Cried’ featuring Jung Seung Hwan.
Check it here.
Hozee released the single ‘We Need To Talk’ featuring MoonMew.
Find it here.
Cosmis Chips released the album ‘Groove Circuit’.
Listen to this release here.
That’s a wrap for this week. Make sure to check out our favourite release in our Spotify playlist.
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