This week’s Hip-Hop and R&B report features indie artist carving their way in the music scene with fantastic tunes and a lot of creativity. Get ready for a total vibey ride. Let’s start. Saturday KAZUN released the single ‘MOMENT’ featuring Taeb2. Find it here. IFCHAN dropped the single ‘Sweet Light’ featuring seoseo.  Check it here. Yang Kyle came back with ...

Welcome back to a new week in our weekly hip-Hop and R&B report, get read for great comeback, indie gems and smooth music for your playlist. Let’s start! Saturday Tomnerd came back with the single ‘Cleaning’. Check it here. Lim Erin released the single ‘A Night sky’ featuring Sejin. Listen to it here. Outsider dropped the single ‘from Zero’ featuring ...

Our weekly report is back with the latest releases in the Korean Hip-Hop and R&B scene. In this edition we had a wave of indie artists taking over and dominating the week. Get ready for a long list of potential new finds. Let’s start! Saturday Glody released the single album ‘Hide And Seek’. Listen to this single here. KAIAVANT came ...

We are back with another edition of our Hip-Hop and R&B report. In this edition you will find a lot of indie music waiting to be discovered. Let’s dive in! Saturday Seoseo released the single ‘LALALA’. Find it here. SOOIN dropped the single ‘I’m afraid’. Check it here.  FUZZILY released the single ‘Best Friend’. Listen to this single here. Minzuki ...

Our Hip-Hop and R&B report is back with another week filled with new releases and discoveries. We had a lot of comebacks and fantastic music waiting to be listened and added into your playlist. Let’s start. Saturday Owen came back with the single ‘Owen’. Find it here.  YUNB released the single ‘WE CONNECT’ featuring ONCHA’. Listen to this single here. ...

We are back with a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week was taken over by indie artist, and impressive comeback we were all waiting for. Let’s get right into it. Saturday Bryn came back with the single ‘So What’. Find this single here. Sunday  Whvts teamed up with h3hyeon for the single ‘Wait A Minute!’. Check ...

Welcome back with a new Hip-Hop and R&B report, we had some impressible comebacks this week, let get right into it and dive into the music. Saturday JAEHA came back with the album ‘ALBUM ABOUT U’. Listen to this release here. Jooyoung released the single ‘Misfits’ Sunday’. Find it here. Sunday  DREAMMY released the single ‘Love My Pain’ featuring Young ...

This week’s hip-hop and R&B releases included plenty of indie gems, awesome comebacks, and a few newcomers that are a must listen. Let’s start! Saturday True Kim dropped the single ‘Calvin’. Check it here. Roydo released the single ‘Adorkable’. Find it here. MOVEO the naked dropped the single ‘Detox’ featuring Skinny Brown. Listen to this single here. JAEHA came back ...

With this week’s report we are wrapping up the month of March, this time we had quite a few impressive comebacks, and new indie artists to check out. Let’s begin. Saturday  BLUEHOUR and Sunine teamed up for the single ‘Airplane’. Listen to this single here.  TOAST BOY released the EP ‘Con-Artist’. Check this release here. Nuol released the single ‘Equator’ ...

It is a brand new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week indie releases took over, and we discovered a lot of new music we want to share with you. Sit tight and get ready for a lot of recommendations with a diverse sound, and unique vibe. Let’s start. Saturday AINILL released the single ‘GOD MODE 2’. Listen ...