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Top 3

We’re back with a new Top 3 and for this week we’re going a little bit more indie this time, though we’re jumping across genres with electronic, acoustic and hip hop. 

Number 1: YOURA – MIMI

Youra recently released her new EP, we wrote about that here. Her song ‘MIMI’ is still such a bop and I can’t get enough of it.

Number 2: Wonstein – Infrared Camera

This song is a bop and I bless the Spotify algorithm for showing it to me.

Number 3: HYEAH – When it snows

Soft, soft vocals with a guitar line and some drums. Sometimes that’s literally all you need.

That’s it for this week’s Top 3. Go ahead and check out our playlist on Spotify. 

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.