Photo Credits: JYP Entertainment

Dance Choreo: Twice – MORE&MORE

Twice is about to have a new comeback and what a better way to wait for it than looking back to the dance choreo for their last title track ‘MORE&MORE’.

So far I have loved every single title track by Twice but ‘MORE&MORE’ became one of my favourites, the song itself is a bop and I loved how it showed a new fresher and more mature side of Twice.

The dance choreo is super charming, fast paced, with many position changes and a lot of arm work and gestures. Every member had the chance to be the center and they killed it, the three row start was very unique and I was a fan of how the changes were so smooth.

Watch the dance practice below, and keep an eye out because we will definitely release a review of the next release. 

K-Beauty enthusiast, Drama Lover, Melophile and Foodie, writing about her faves on a daily basis.