Photo credits: PIDA

Weekly K-Indie Report

We’re back with our Weekly K-Indie Report. Let’s take a closer look at which new releases our favorite indie artists came out with.

Sang Ha released the single album ‘Nomad’s Diary’.

Find it here.

Munsiyeon released the ballad ‘took’.

Find it here.

The Shepherd Bois came out with ‘Kidding’.

Find it here.

Lang Lee and MORE teamed up for the EP ‘Why won’t you call me your friend’.

Find it here.

Kim Seung Joo came out with ‘Poor little cake’.

Find it here.

Kuonechan is back with ‘Expression’.

Find it here.

MORE released ‘Say my name’.

Find it here.

Hangsung came out with ‘Nothin’ without you’.

Find it here.

Lee Seo Hee released ‘Scent’.

Find it here.

Jumin released ‘like you used to’.

Find it here.

Yewee released ‘lucky mee’.

Find it here.

Biuret released ‘Wild’.

Find it here.

Song Sohee is back with ‘GANGGANGSULLAE’.

Find it here.

Mingginyu came out with ‘Too’.

Find it here.

Holocity released ‘Rocket Boy’.

Find it here.

PIDA released the album ‘To my dear neighbours’.

Find it here.

OXFORD DROPKICK came out with ‘New Planetary Exploration’.

Find it here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.