In this edition of out Hip-Hop and R&B report, we are diving into exciting comeback, newcomers, and music diversity to suit everyone’s taste. Get ready for a fantastic music ride! Saturday ChoiS released the EP ‘Grain’. Check this release here. Dabl3ss dropped the single ‘Loose Fit’ featuring KAEHO626. Find this release here. KIM BOA came back with the single ‘BLOSSOM’. ...

Welcome back to our monthly Hip-Hop and R&B DisKovery, where we unearth hidden musical gems that have captivated our ears with their unique sounds and concepts. This month’s selection promises a diverse array of musical experiences to delight every taste. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the musical treasures we’ve discovered for September. Kicking off this month’s list is ...

In this week’s edition of our Hip-Hop and R&B report there are many unexpected collaborations, incredible music, and impressive new debuts. The quality in the releases of the last seven days left us shocked, the list is long, so get ready to dive in and add new music to your playlist. Let’s start! Saturday  Makin dropped the album ‘Makintosh’. Listen ...

With this week’s report we are wrapping up the month of March, this time we had quite a few impressive comebacks, and new indie artists to check out. Let’s begin. Saturday  BLUEHOUR and Sunine teamed up for the single ‘Airplane’. Listen to this single here.  TOAST BOY released the EP ‘Con-Artist’. Check this release here. Nuol released the single ‘Equator’ ...

We discover plenty of new and underrated artists during September, and we want to share their latest releases and the reasons why you should add them to your playlist. Let’s start. Zoey is a new find for us, her single ‘Trust Issues’ featuring Samuel Seo opened up September with a smooth sound and soft singing. She debuted back in 2019, ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week we had plenty of indie releases and smooth R&B comebacks. Let’s start. Saturday  YUNNUGU released the single ‘The other half of my life is you’. Check this release here. STONE COLD COW dropped the single album ‘Do U Want STONE?’. Find it here. Kid Wine came ...

Welcome back to a new Hip-Hop and R&B report. This was the last week of June, and the month ended with awesome comebacks and unexpected collabs. Get ready to add new music into your playlist. Let’s start. Saturday PINWHEEL released the EP ‘Distrust’. Find this release here. Halsoon released the single ‘OUR LOVE’. Check it here. KIRAVI dropped the single ...