Jacqui is an R&B artist who popped onto our radar last November with the release of her album ‘Dirty Mirror Selfie’, however, she is not new to the Korean music scene, having debuted back in 2017, she has already paved her way in the indie scene with her uniqueness and fresh music. We had the opportunity to interview her about ...
We’re back with a new interview, and this time we interviewed Brian Shin about his latest album ‘Runner’s High’. The album came out towards the end of December and from the very first listen we added a couple of tracks to our ambient playlists. “I’ve been listening to a lot of Brian Eno’s music. This album is ambient, but I’ve ...
We were able to interview the wonderful Dongyi who recently won the Korean Music Award for the Best Global Contemporary Album of 2023. Selection committee member Hyun Ji-woon wrote this about the album: “[…] when we reach ‘Ikaino’, we reach the ultimate settlement where all fences and borders that are bound by identity are destroyed. Could this bittersweet feeling of ...
We’re back with a new interview and this time we chatted with the R&B singer-songwriter Milky Day. If you like a good lo-fi R&B track, keep on reading! When did you realize you wanted to become a singer? I was actually interested in music production first, before I knew I wanted to become a singer. Since I had some prior ...
Jang Ijae is a singer-songwriter who recently released her first mini-album ‘Nine O’Clock Song’. The mini-album is stunning and I loved it on first listen, so I reached out to see if she would answer some of my questions and luckily she agreed! In your album description it says you’ve been active in broadcasting, publishing and film. Can you tell ...
Hani is a singer-songwriter who has released a couple of singles, most recently she came out with ‘If young people don’t listen to you anymore’ which we featured in our Weekly K-Indie Report. We contacted her to ask some questions about her life, her career and her music. Who is Hani? I’ve been playing the piano from a really young ...
The Korean indie band Asian Boys, Crying recently released their latest single ‘I’m a kid’. We’ve been super intrigued about their music, so we reached out to ask a couple of questions! Keep on reading to get to know the band and their music a bit better. I’m a kid What’s the theme of ‘I’m a kid’ and What does ...
TE.O is a Korean R&B artist who came out with his new single ‘Payphone’ last week. The groovy track is a lot of fun. We were able to ask him some questions about his musical journey. What inspired you to make music? I’ve been interested in music since I was young. I liked singing, too.There isn’t really a special origin, ...
This week we’re proud to share our interview with drummer and producer Choi Gyu-cheol who you might know under his stage name OoOoot! He was a member of the rock band Johnny Royal and a founding members of CADEJO. He’s also performed alongside jazz legend Kim Oki. As OoOoot he released the new mini-album ‘WANT’. If you want to learn ...
H.M. Moon is a Korean indie singer-songwriter and recently released his mini-album ‘White Night, Dawn’. The work is incredible and we were lucky enough he wanted to answer some of our questions. How did you get into music?어떻게 음악을 시작하게 되었나요? 더 어렸을 때는, 헤비메탈이나 락 음악에 빠졌었어요, 그러다가 ‘Damien Rice’, ‘Ray LaMontagne’ 같은 포크 음악, ‘검정치마’ 같은 한국 인디음악도 ...