Photo Credits: n.CH Entertainment / Stone Music Entertainment

[Review] TOO – Running TOOgether

Rookie idol group TOO is back with a brand new mini-album. We were shook with how talented, professional and experienced they looked in the survival show ‘Road to Kingdom’. And we are just glad to see these guys back.

Let’s dive right in.

Running TOOgether 

Count 1, 2’ starts this EP with an almost bubblegum pop soft concept that I loved. First of all they all sound incredible, and secondly it’s very refreshing seeing such a youthful and cute concept. The music video is super soft, and they all look ADORABLE. We want to squish all the cheeks.

Check it below.

We get groovy with ‘Step By Step’, the rapping line in TOO sounds really good in this track. This song does not feel like a release a rookie group would do and I’m loving it. It’s fun to listen to and the trumpets and the backing vocals are just on point.

The ballad ‘Better’ is next, showing off TOO’s vocal line harmonization and I’m here for it. The vocals are incredible, and their delivery and flow in this song is top notch. It is really hard to believe that they are rookies.

Taillight’ follows and starts with ad libs that will get you hooked to this track from the get go. The mixing in this track is amazing, we get drums, electric guitar, piano and EDM, all mixed flawlessly and creating an incredible b-side. 

Dancing In the Moonlight’ closes this album with a funky vibe that will have you grooving to this song. The trumpets playing throughout this track just give a special touch to it and it just gets better and better with the electronic beats and changes in tempo. What a memorable way to close an EP.

Listen to the release below, and get ready to listen to a lot more from this very talented young group.

K-Beauty enthusiast, Drama Lover, Melophile and Foodie, writing about her faves on a daily basis.