Photo credit by Interpark Corporation


For this week’s Music Video Recommendation I wanted to share a new favorite: ‘HOLA!’ by JAURIM. 

I’ve been in love with their music for quite a while, but they never cease to amaze me with the quality of their releases. 

JAURIM’s latest comeback, the EP ‘HOLA!’ is honestly a fun ride. The title track with the same name as the EP was so cute, I couldn’t not share it with you.

The song itself is wholesome and fun. The members of JAURIM show up in multiple roles in the MV. First they’re in the car with the girl, sort of playing her radio. Then they’re working in the Chinese restaurant and lastly they’re on the big screen of the drive-in. 

It’s absolutely worth checking out!

Go ahead and check out their new EP on Spotify as well.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.