The girls from Fromis_9 are back to bless us with their first full-length album ‘Unlock My World’. We’re super stoked because they never disappoint!
Unlock My World
We start off with ‘Attitude’. This track is a total vibe. We’re going for dark pop with some really cool instrumentation. The harmonization in the chorus is SO good! Honestly just play this in any club and the crowd will go crazy. The opening seconds reminded me of the noise a groan tube makes so I was laughing a bit.
Next up is the title track ‘#MeNow’. We’re going for contemporary pop wtih an insanely catchy hook. I like it! It feels very fresh and they all look stunning in the music video. I’m really digging the bass in this.
‘Wishlist’ is up next with such a great R&B vibe. This is by the sub-unit Park Jiwon and Lee Chae-Young. This is such a great duo and their voices mesh so well together. Jiwon is credited as the lyricist. She’s also credited as one of the composers.
‘In the mirror’ is a darker song with a darker beat. It’s very cool! This is by the members Lee Na-gyung and Lee Seo-yeon. I really enjoyed the layering of this track.
Next up is ‘Don’t Care’ by members Park Ji-won, Roh Ji-sun, Lee Seo-yeon and Lee Na-kyung. This is groovy and upbeat. It’s a Dance Pop track with a really sick bass and some very fun guitar work in the instrumental. I like this a lot!
Next up
‘Prom Night’ is performed by Lee Sae-rom, Song Ha-young, Lee Chae-young, and Baek Ji-heon. This one is so much fun. It’s in the UK-garage genre and the beats are sickening! iI’s such a groove to listen to.
We’re going for R&B Pop in ‘Bring it on’. Again, the bass is going places. It’s catchy, has some fantastic vocals and is such a nice listen.
‘What I Want’ really threw me for a loop a couple of times. I wasn’t expecting certain drops and the chorus is absolutely fantastic! Fromis_9 and electro pop is such a great combo.
‘My Night Routine’ slows down the tempo a bit. Lee Na-gyung and and Lee So-yeon teamed up for this one. We’re going for some jazzy R&B with another sick bass. This is such a groove.
The closing track is ‘Eye Contact’. All of the members participated in writing the lyrics. This is such a wholesome, fun pop rock track. I absolutely love the energy and the cuteness in the ‘your eyes’ part. The bridge with the chanting and the harmonization had me smiling.
Fromis_9 did such an amazing job for their album ‘Unlock My World’. This was such a fun listen and it has such an interesting blend of genres while still feeling very cohesive. Also I have to mention the excellent use of the bass. I will definitely be listening to this album for a while!
Go check it out on Spotify here.
If you’d like to check out their previous comeback, you can click here.
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