Photo Credits: CSR E&M

[Review] CSR – DELIGHT

Rookie group CSR came back with their second mini-album ‘DELIGHT‘. With these release this 7-member group is navigating the life at eighteen years old, their journey of light has started.

Let’s begin!


Eighteen (Signal)‘ begins this release on a pop dance note and a hopeful, bright and very positive energy. With synth, cool harmonies and ad-libs, this song shows CSR youthful and cheerful spirit. The title track ‘Shinning Bright‘ takes over next with pop/rock vibes and a dream-like instrumentation, the changes in tempo and genre in this single are fantastic and very smooth, the members shine in this single, the vocals, energy and delivery is peak.

For the music video we get heavy Disney parade energy, with stunning visual effects and the CSR giving its all in the performance. The full storyline of this production feels like different videos put together and transitioning flawlessly. Make sure to check it below.

House music takes over in ‘Picnic‘, with this single we get the sweetness and freshness of CSR youthful and cute energy, their back vocals and tone in this track is fantastic. A shot of energy for the listeners.

Last on this release in the ballad ‘Dandelion‘, with this single CSR not only shows off their vocal power but also brings out the emotion, and sincere gratitude toward their fans.

CSR is blooming and expanding their sound release by release, make sure to check out this mini album here.

K-Beauty enthusiast, Drama Lover, Melophile and Foodie, writing about her faves on a daily basis.