Photo credits: ABYSS

[Review] BamBam – Sour & Sweet

BamBam is back with his new solo work ‘Sour & Sweet’. This is his first full length solo album and we’re super stoked about it! Let’s dive in!

Sour & Sweet

We start off with ‘Feather’. This track is all about BamBam’s journey to Korea and his childhood. The eerie music box opening really struck a chord and immediately portrayed that childhood connection. The strings are doing amazing things in this track and BamBam always knows how to make a first impression. The track was co-written by Jimmy Brown and BamBam.

‘Take it easy’ comes along. According to the album description this portrays the hectic life he leads. I really like the synths they used and the pace it sets. It really enhances that busy lifestyle feeling.

‘GHOST’ tells the story of BamBam’s father who sadly passed away when he was young. It’s a balance between longing and missing and resentment for having to miss him.

The title track is ‘Sour & Sweet’. I love how catchy this and how nicely this flows along. The intense kick and snare are awesome and I really enjoyed the layering of the track. The instrumental in the bridge really brought everything together.

Next up is ‘let’s dance’. This is such a mellow R&B track. We get some really great vocals and a laidback beat. Sometimes that’s literally all you need.

‘about YOU’ is a more hip hop based track. I really dig this sound and BamBam executes this really well. The synths are a total moment!

After that we get ‘TIPPY TOE’. We get some really great moments in this track! The gospel addition was fab and I like the repetition in the chorus. Honestly this is fantastic. I loved it.

The closing track is ‘Wings’. This is great to listen to together with the opening track ‘Feather’. I’m totally digging the flow and the gentle delivery.

Overall ‘Sour & Sweet’ by BamBam is a fantastic album and you can find it on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.