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December Korean Indie DisKovery

We’re back with our monthly December Korean Indie DisKovery. This is the last discovery feature of 2023 and what an incredible year it has been! Feel free to share your favorites in the comments!

YERIM dropped the EP ‘Fantasy’.

Find it here.

Echae Kang released ‘Koi’s Kingdom’.

Find it here.

Bok Dajin released the album ‘Only You Know’.

Find it here.

SWJA is back to stun with ‘’Po.Ong’.

Find it here.

RAWON BAND came out with ‘REAL’.

Find it here.

Kang released ‘Journey’.

Find it here.

Iris Kymm released ‘Pick your poison’.

Find it here.

That’s it for this December Korean Indie DisKovery. I wish you all a lovely New Year’s Eve. Have fun!

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.