Photo Credit by TOP Entertainment

Dance Choreo You Should Watch: MCND – TOP GANG

We’re back with a new Dance Choreo You Should Watch, this time featuring the rookies MCND with their pre-debut song ‘TOP GANG’.

MCND stands for ‘Music Creates New Dream’. They are under TOP Entertainment, hence the title. 

I discovered this totally on accident. I had no idea that there was a new group debuting with the name MCND, but my god what a great accident. 

The song is legit fire and I can’t believe they haven’t even officially debuted yet. This is their pre-debut, like how crazy is that. They’re awesome. MCND has three rappers and only two vocalists, so they’re a more hiphop driven group. Here’s their Instagram, so go give them some love.

So I had no choice but to look at the choreo version as well, because I was curious. And I was blown away. They deserve the title monster rookies, I sincerely hope they blow up.

The moves are fire, so are the high kicks and the song is just legit fun to listen to.

Here’s the official MV.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.