Photo Credit by TOP Entertainment

Dance Choreo You Should Watch: MCND – TOP GANG

We’re back with a new Dance Choreo You Should Watch, this time featuring the rookies MCND with their pre-debut song ‘TOP GANG’.

MCND stands for ‘Music Creates New Dream’. They are under TOP Entertainment, hence the title. 

I discovered this totally on accident. I had no idea that there was a new group debuting with the name MCND, but my god what a great accident. 

The song is legit fire and I can’t believe they haven’t even officially debuted yet. This is their pre-debut, like how crazy is that. They’re awesome. MCND has three rappers and only two vocalists, so they’re a more hiphop driven group. Here’s their Instagram, so go give them some love.

So I had no choice but to look at the choreo version as well, because I was curious. And I was blown away. They deserve the title monster rookies, I sincerely hope they blow up.

The moves are fire, so are the high kicks and the song is just legit fun to listen to.

Here’s the official MV.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.